Talk to God

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mary and Jesus

When I was younger (much younger), I was pregnant five times (carried four to term) and each pregnancy was unique. That's because each child was completely unique. At the very beginning of the pregnancy I never knew quite what to expect.  Each child I carried had their own characteristics even in the womb.  My daughter was comfortable and cozy, my oldest son was a very strong and he packed a hard punch, my second son was quick to move, and my youngest son was comfortable if it was quiet but when the other children were noisy he would move around a lot.  What is interesting is that each of those children exhibited those same characteristics after they were born. 

By the time my children were born I knew their character and was not surprised by their personalities.  My daughter loved to cuddle and sleep, my oldest son posses great strength and speaks bold truth, my second son is quick to move and think and has incredible small motor skills, my youngest son loves to be with people.  I was not at all surprised by their character after spending nine months with them.

While Mary was carrying the Son of God, Immanuel, Prince of Peace, she would have experienced the characteristics of the child she carried.   

What would it have been like to carry this Holy Child? 

I believe she would have had a great sense of His Heavenly Peace, and yet she also would have experienced the urgency that was part of His Coming.  Jesus brought truth, real truth and He knew that would make some extremely uncomfortable.  Jesus knew God’s peace would come after the world relinquished false truth. Jesus was a fighter and He knew the message He brought would pit brother against brother.  Matthew 10:34-36 (NLT) says:

Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword.
 ‘I have come to set a man against his father,
      a daughter against her mother,
   and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
      Your enemies will be right in your own household.’

Jesus knew in order to follow we would need to let go of the old and receive God’s truth. Jesus was also Love, true love.  He came to show us God’s love and to BE love for us.  He fought for that love.  He fought against the religious culture, mistaken notions of what God expected, and the lies that had emerged because man took matters into his own hands. 

He fought so we would know the truth about God’s character and love.  He fought so we would understand how very much we can rely of God; we do not need to carry the burden but rather we only need to receive what God has for us. 

Mary would have experienced the person of Jesus for Jesus was fully human; she also would have experienced the divinity of God for Jesus was fully divine.  Mary would have known all of that as she carried this Holy Child with her for nine months.  She would have known the fullness of His character and love. 

She would have known He had a purpose like no other human before or since for He came to fight for you because of the fullness of love He holds for you. 

As Mary prepared to give birth, she would have known the greatest miracle of all time was about to happen. A miracle like nothing before, or since…she would have known Jesus came to bring the miracle of the fullness of life to all the world. 

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