Talk to God

Friday, December 30, 2011

God Rock

I am often reminded of God’s faithfulness in the simple things that happen daily.  The sun rises, rain nourishes, we laugh with friends, and we have the blessing of loving one another. 

Sometimes love comes in the most unexpected ways and from the most unexpected places. 

When I talk to God (Papa) I know I can count on His love.  God is my rock. 

Part of talking to God includes remembering God’s faithfulness.  We often attribute God’s faithfulness to what God does for us.  We have requests and when God says yes, we talk about His faithfulness to us. 

God’s faithfulness is much more. His faithfulness includes believing in you and in your love.  Have you ever thought of God believing in you?  God is faithful to you.  

When we consider why we were created, we know how deeply God loves us. We were created to love God, to receive His love, and to return God’s love, and we are His treasure.  Because God loves us and remembers us, He is our rock. Together we share that when we talk to God together.  That’s one reason talking to God in community is important.  

Psalm 78:35 says, remember that God is your rock.

Prayer: I love it that you are my rock! You are always
immovable, invincible, and solid. Your love is forever!

Creative Exercise:
Make a list of simple treasures God gives to remind you of His love.  Write your own prayer and post it on your refrigerator, or your mirror.  The prayer will remind you to SEE the blessings God gives you every day. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I do not have a good memory, and it isn’t because of my age.  I’ve always been that way.  When I was growing up my brother (he’s older) was my memory.  He remembers absolutely everything. 
When I had kids I relied on my second son.  He used to even remember where I put my keys.  A few years ago my son and his wife bought me a key finder (LOL).  When my son went away to college I was totally lost without his memory for a while, then I started making lists and writing down where I put things. 
The problem is, I lose the list. 
I used to feel bad about it but I really do believe that if you are lacking in one area God makes up for it on other ways.  What I do not ever forget is how I feel, or how someone else feels.  God gave me radar that He always has turned on. 
The amazing thing about God is that He remembers everything, so if I lose something I talk to God and ask Him to direct me.  I rely on God’s remembrance.
In Genesis 9:15 God told Noah, “I will remember my covenant between me and you”.
I rely on God’s remembrance…
Prayer:  Thank-you God for the covenant that exists between me and you.  I know you remember and I trust you.  Amen
Creative Exercise:  Write your own prayer and write it on parchment paper with a calligraphy pen.  If you want to be really creative, paint an interesting pastel background and write the prayer on top of the background painting.  I love Hebrew and with a little research you could do a prayer in Hebrew:

Hebrew Prayer
Calligraphy Prayer on Parchment
Calligraphy Prayer with Background

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Chatting with God 2011

We would not have dreamed 10 yrs ago a new language would emerge called CHAT.  Today, it's commonly understood.  The great thing about chatting w God is that w/e language we use God hears and undrstnds.  Isn't it gr8 that He is ML. God evn understands when we have NC what words 2 use - even if it's an urge in your hrt, the H S interprets 4 U.  Pkl. Even if U R LOL or ROFL, NP b/c U R K. Evn UR FBF don't undrstnd UR hrt lk God does.  U can say BRB or CYL or w/e and it's K. 


Romans 8:26 says the HS takes our "wordless sighs, our aching groans" to God.

BTW, did U kw God is YHWH n HBRW n 1st hd no vwls? kl


(be right back, good-bye, see you later, facebook friends, whatever, okay, you’re welcome, no problem, rolling on the floor laughing, and of course laughing out loud, cool, pretty cool, you, are, to, because, okay, multilingual, Holy Spirit, heart, understands, great, no clue, for, even, your, like, even)

Talk to God: Reflections: Moments Remembered

Talk to God: Reflections: Moments Remembered: Moments that took my breath away in 2011 Here are my top ten moments: Number 10: LOL at the silliest things Number 9: Getting a ...

Reflections: Moments Remembered

Moments that took my breath away in 2011

Here are my top ten moments:
Number 10:  LOL at the silliest things
Number 9: Getting a priceless painting in the mail (painted by my four old peep).
Number 8: After talking to God and being silent, being able to solve a difficult problem I wasn’t able to do before I talked to God.
Number 7: Listening to really good music (Choral, Jazz, Classical, Hymns)
Number 6: Hearing my friend say, “you’re killin’ me smalls.”
Number 5: Having an epiphany moment while reading scripture.
Number 4: Sitting in church with my little peeps.
Number 3: Hearing my little peeps talk to God. (Children rip out my heart when they talk to God…can you imagine what it does for God!)
Number 2: Realizing that someone really loves you.
Number 1: Hearing God say, I love you, every morning when I talk to Him.

So what moments from 2011 took your breath away?  

Monday, December 26, 2011

Reflections of Laughter

My peeps where I work tell me I don’t need to write fiction because my life has enough hilarity and comic relief in and of itself.  Some days they say it’s like it must be true because nobody could make anything up that funny (or crazy).  

Take last month for example.  I had a bit of a problem with my garage door opener.  It all started one day when I tried to open the garage to get my car out.  Dead.  As a doornail.  Now, I have three garage door openers and I tried two of them and they didn’t work. I have a spare garage door opener in the house and I went back in to get it.  It wasn’t where I thought it would be so I looked all around.  Couldn’t find it. I tried to think about what to do. The garage only has one way to get in and that’s through the garage door.  I surmised that either the garage door opener must be broken or my garage door remote batteries are out.  BOTH out at the same time. 

I called my son-in-law and he already left for work.  I called my daughter.  At 630a in the morning. 

Sorry, I says.  I need to go to work.  If I can’t get into the garage to get my car out I need a ride. She has a spare garage door opener so she drives by, stops in front of the garage and pushes it.  Immediately it opened.  You’re kidding, right?

I smiled and thanked her (she is a saint).  I went to work.  

I told my peeps what kind of morning I’d already had.  They laughed.  Well, at least something good came of the whole garage door thing.

After work I went and bought three new batteries. I put them in the garage door openers and tried to get the door open.  Nothing.  Really?  
I call my daughter.  She comes by and punches the garage door and it opens 1st time.  No, really?  

I pull the car in and leave the door open enough so I can crawl under to get in. 

The next morning I try my garage door openers again expecting nothing.  The door goes down.  FINALLY.  I’m getting somewhere.  I punch it again.  Nothing.  Dead.  This can’t be happening.  

I try about 50 more times. Nothing. 

I call my daughter.  At 639a in the morning (I told you she’s a saint). She drives by and doesn’t even stop.  She just hits the button and it opens. She’s laughing.  I’m not.

My peeps at work thought it was hilarious.

My son-in-law looks at my garage door (he’s a saint, too) and decided to replace the old manual lock in the garage door so I'll have a key.  That way I can open the garage door even if my wonderful garage door remotes won’t work. 

He gives me the key.

Next day (weekend) I went out and tried to open the garage door with my new manual key. 

It won’t open.   

I call my daughter.  She comes with my son-in-law and their two kids.   

My son-in-law puts the key in and it works first time.   


Evidently I left out an important step.  He went over the steps with me to show me how it works.  I think he thought I could figure it out for myself.   


Now my peeps at work are rolling on the floor. 

Just to be safe, my son-in-law looked at the garage door opener and my remotes and for him they all worked.  

I honestly don’t know what happened, but I decided my garage door remotes hate me. 
My peeps still talk about the garage door affair.  What’s scary s that this kind of stuff happens to me all the time. 
See what I mean about not needing to write fiction?

I talk to God and tell Him I’m laughing my head off here…God smiles and chuckles with me. 

Winter Cold

The hours after Christmas always seem to be filled with mixed feelings of relief and sadness.  The time spent getting ready for Christmas is always somewhat hurried, so the thought of slowing life down a bit brings feelings of relief.  At the same time saying goodbye to the holidays always means winter cold will inevitably set in with cold dark nights. I love snow, and for me there are parts of winter that are magical.

What I'm not wild about is extreme cold and blistering cold winds.

Just like everything in life every event brings both good and bad results. The deep winter months offer a chance to spend time reflecting and talking to God. Usually after Christmas I reflect on what has been and what I would choose to change for the upcoming year. I don't actually make New Year's resolutions, but I do reflect and talk to God about what can be changed and should be different. Often, I end up realizing it is my attitude that needs to change.  Many problems I experience could be alleviated if I would love more, forgive sooner, or turn problems over to God without trying to solve them by myself. I firmly believe our culture teaches us we need to be self-sufficient and as a result we don't rely on God. Reflecting on those Things is humbling and nets a rich reward.

January and February also mean a lot of people will experience some cabin fever and feelings of isolation. While the winter gives us time to reflect and talk to God some experience loneliness. Experiencing loneliness is not bad in and of itself. What is problematic about those feelings is that we often run from the feeling and don't allow the feelings to do the work God intended. Feelings of loneliness serve to remind us that we need the company of others. Remembering that no man is an island is a good thing. God created us to love Him and others.

Both reflection and dealing with our feelings bring me to the same conclusion...

It would do me well to stop being concerned about what others think and to spend more time loving passionately even if they are not receptive of my love. We are not responsible for how others respond. I am only responsible for loving well and forgiving freely.

When I spend time talking to God, He gives me what I need. God gives me strength and courage. God gives love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control, (etc from Gal 5:22).

The Lord is my shepherd. I have everything I need. Psalm 23:1

In light of that I can look forward to these upcoming months.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mary and Jesus

When I was younger (much younger), I was pregnant five times (carried four to term) and each pregnancy was unique. That's because each child was completely unique. At the very beginning of the pregnancy I never knew quite what to expect.  Each child I carried had their own characteristics even in the womb.  My daughter was comfortable and cozy, my oldest son was a very strong and he packed a hard punch, my second son was quick to move, and my youngest son was comfortable if it was quiet but when the other children were noisy he would move around a lot.  What is interesting is that each of those children exhibited those same characteristics after they were born. 

By the time my children were born I knew their character and was not surprised by their personalities.  My daughter loved to cuddle and sleep, my oldest son posses great strength and speaks bold truth, my second son is quick to move and think and has incredible small motor skills, my youngest son loves to be with people.  I was not at all surprised by their character after spending nine months with them.

While Mary was carrying the Son of God, Immanuel, Prince of Peace, she would have experienced the characteristics of the child she carried.   

What would it have been like to carry this Holy Child? 

I believe she would have had a great sense of His Heavenly Peace, and yet she also would have experienced the urgency that was part of His Coming.  Jesus brought truth, real truth and He knew that would make some extremely uncomfortable.  Jesus knew God’s peace would come after the world relinquished false truth. Jesus was a fighter and He knew the message He brought would pit brother against brother.  Matthew 10:34-36 (NLT) says:

Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword.
 ‘I have come to set a man against his father,
      a daughter against her mother,
   and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
      Your enemies will be right in your own household.’

Jesus knew in order to follow we would need to let go of the old and receive God’s truth. Jesus was also Love, true love.  He came to show us God’s love and to BE love for us.  He fought for that love.  He fought against the religious culture, mistaken notions of what God expected, and the lies that had emerged because man took matters into his own hands. 

He fought so we would know the truth about God’s character and love.  He fought so we would understand how very much we can rely of God; we do not need to carry the burden but rather we only need to receive what God has for us. 

Mary would have experienced the person of Jesus for Jesus was fully human; she also would have experienced the divinity of God for Jesus was fully divine.  Mary would have known all of that as she carried this Holy Child with her for nine months.  She would have known the fullness of His character and love. 

She would have known He had a purpose like no other human before or since for He came to fight for you because of the fullness of love He holds for you. 

As Mary prepared to give birth, she would have known the greatest miracle of all time was about to happen. A miracle like nothing before, or since…she would have known Jesus came to bring the miracle of the fullness of life to all the world. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Past

 I remember Christmas Past when my kids were little.  It was crazy…I MEAN crazy!  We always had extra services and stuff to do at church, all four kids had programs at school, and to make matters worse I was the Editor/Photographer for the county paper.  So, not only did I need to get pictures of my own kids I had to try to capture all the kids on film in the county (or as many as possible). 

The funny thing is that even though it was crazy I remember so many good things.  I remember doing Christmas baking, mostly because there are certain cookie recipes that have been passed down to me from my grandmother and my mother that are always made at Christmas time.  The kids always looked forward to Christmas cookies! 

We didn’t make a lot of money in those days and so my mom and dad would load up their van with supplies and bring us extra food.  Mother would bring large sacks of flour, sugar, powdered sugar, eggs,  yeast, and about everything else I would need.  The kids knew what that would mean!  Cookies AND homemade cinnamon rolls! They would watch for gramma and grampa to come with their little noses pressed against the front window.  

They would also hang around the kitchen just in case there were cookies that broke in half (we had a rule that if it broke you could eat it now). 

What I remember most is having them hang around the kitchen when the cinnamon rolls were baking and as soon as I pulled them out of the oven (while they were ooey gooey) they would grab a fork and scramble to the oven to get a “middle”.  They all fought for as many middles as they could get and they would stuff the hot cinnamon rolls in their mouths as fast as they could chew.  

This ritual with cinnamon rolls went on for several years, even well past high school and college.  What was interesting is that my daughter was 5’1” tall and she didn’t even weight 90 pounds in high school, so there were times I was afraid her brothers would hurt her.  As it turns out she found a way to compensate for her size and she more than held her own. She meant business when it came to hot fresh cinnamon rolls.

By the time the kids started bringing their new spouses to our house I thought the ritual would end…NOT!  I tried to warn the new spouses what was about to happen, but I don’t think they imagined it would be as brutal as it was.  The truth of the matter is, it became a tradition and a competition we all laughed about.  

There were others things that happened on holidays and vacations that were not quite so funny at the time (the white car that caught on fire in South Dakota; the flood through the tent in Colorado; a sick child in New York) but as it turns out, those are the things we remember and laugh about today.

Life is like that.  Things we thought were bad turn out to be good. At one time I was a little embarrassed about the scramble for the cinnamon rolls and I used to try to get them to “be civil”.  Eventually I gave up.  Now years later, something that seemed crazy and out of hand (I mean, really…stabbing each other with forks) turned out to be incredibly awesome memories.  Bad turned to good. 

That’s just like God.  He has a way of turning bad to good. I love it that God does that for us.  What an incredible God He is!  He can take what we are embarrassed of or ashamed about and turn it into the best memory of all. 

Today, your assignment (should you choose to accept it) is to write YOUR story (share it if you’d like) and tell how God turned things around for you in the past or even today.  

Be blessed – KNOW God loves you – talk to God and thank Him for bringing good from the most unexpected places.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Remembering the Past and Embracing the Present

Change can be very difficult and as wonderful as the holidays are, they often bring change.  The holidays often remind us of changes in our lives.  We remember those who have come before and we remember those who had an impact on our lives.  My dad has been gone for over 20 years and I still miss him at Christmas time.  He loved children and he loved Christmas!  I remember my Mother asking him to “stop wrestling with the kids” because they often got really wild (squealing and jumping on him).  I wish he could be with us now…all four children grown and married with kids of their own.  Oh how he would love these babies! 

The holidays also remind us we are grateful.  I am very grateful that my Mother is still with us and that she is so healthy.  She’s a wonderful octogenarian who exercises at least three times a week, travels with friends, can easily cook a meal for 20-30 people, and loves playing with her great-grandchildren.  Truthfully, she can work circles around me.  When she is finished cooking, she leaves the kitchen sparkling clean.  I remember her asking me 30 years ago if it bothered me that she pitches in to help clean the kitchen when she visits.  LOL…  

With four kids (three are boys), we had puddles and messes everywhere ALL the time.  Cleaning was a minute by minute job, and the laundry basket was always full! I was thrilled to have an extra hand!

Mother is coming for Christmas this year, and she told my daughter she wanted a list of things to do during the day “so she won’t get bored”.  She also wanted to know what we wanted to eat (breakfast, lunch, and dinner).  In her “spare time” she’ll be spending time with her two great-grandchildren.  They are older now, and they love to read and play games.  I’m sure they will keep her busy!  You get the idea…I am grateful for God’s goodness. 

Christmas has changed but some things remain.  God is good…all the time (as we say at my church).
I have so very much to be grateful for! 

What has changed about your holidays?  What remains the same?  Grieve as you need to grieve and talk to God about what you miss.  When you are done, make a list of things you are grateful for, and talk to God about those things as well.  Life is good and both are part of life!  

Be blessed…let yourself feel a full range of what’s in your heart WITH God! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Going 'Through'

Robert Frost is one of my favorite poets.  I like Frost because I find his works to be true, yet challenging.  I also find believe “he gets it”.  

 I recently read these words by Frost:

The best way out is always through.

 When faced with difficulty you cannot side-step the issue and expect to win.  You have to face the dragon.  Henri Nouwen says the same thing regarding our inner self.  He says we have to face our shadow side.  In other words, we must face our inner struggle head on.  We cannot run from it and expect it to just go away. Until we face it head on the thing we struggle with will continue to haunt us. 

Talking to God helps us to work through our exterior difficulties and He also helps us face the dragon within.  I used to (mistakenly) think that I need to be good for God and do the right things so I would be deserving of God’s love.  The truth of the matter is that God wants me to be what He created me to be. God knows I’m going to make mistakes and He loves me.  

 Now when I am struggling with something (or someone) I take it to God and talk with Him about it.  I tell God the whole truth about what I feel and God shares how He feels.  I am always blessed when I connect with God and understand how He sees and feels about a situation.  It changes my whole perspective.  

Giving God our time so He can offer us his perspective is time well spent!   

As you hustle and bustle through the week ahead, be blessed and take time for God. God will get you through...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sitting in God's Love

Spending time with God, just sitting with Him and realizing just how much God loves you and thinks of you is an incredible experience.

Try this exercise: Get in a quiet place.  Relax and get comfortable.  Focus on God.  Give the Spirit permission to take over.  Take 10 to 20 minutes and listen to God.  Don't be alarmed if God is silent.  Take in God's love and care for you.

End your time by expressing your love to God. That may mean you thank God, or you tell God you love Him. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Life-Changing Conversations with God

When I was 21 years old I had a conversation with God that I believe changed the course of my life. I told God, actually begging, that I wanted to “be all I could be for Him”.  I told God it didn’t matter what it would cost me, how much it would hurt, or how difficult it would be…I still wanted God to hold me to that request.

Looking back, I now know several decades later how naïve I was.  I did not actually think there would be a cost, or would hurt, or would be difficult.  I actually thought it would be grand and glorious, and that it would be easy. 

Understand that I have been blessed, just not like I expected to be blessed.  In a way, the biggest blessings have come from tremendous adversity and great pain.  What I learned along the way is that often when I lose something that I cherished, God replaced it with the gift of Himself.  I learned that nothing, absolutely nothing, is more precious than God’s love and care for me. 

I also learned that when I suffer, God suffers with me.  I now cherish those times.

Today I would tell God the same words.  When I was 21 I was passionate about telling others about the real Jesus – not someone who sits back and throws lightning bolts – but someone who loves them and who died for them. 

When I talk to God, I bask in His love and He gives me what He wants me to be.  I thank Him for being always faithful and for being right here. 

Have you had similar life-changing conversations? If you haven't, what would you like to say to God?

Saturday, December 17, 2011


As I talk to God I come to the realization of who I am and I have a sense of belonging.

I also have a sense of great peace.  I remember my dad talking about peace a lot when I was a teenager.  I couldn’t figure out what the big deal was about peace.  At that time I was into excitement and challenges.  Peace was about the farthest thing from my mind.  The older I get, the more I realize the importance of God’s peace.  Part of belonging is being in God’s peace and love. 

Song of Solomon 7:10 (NASB) says:
I am my beloved’s,
And His desire is for me.

As I sit with God and we talk, I experience God’s desire for me.  It is like a hot burning fire. 
It’s the same for you.  Regardless of what you’ve done or how much time you’ve previously spent with God, His desire is for you.  God loves you and pursues you with relentless passion.  God desires to spend time with you.  

You are God’s beloved.
His desire is for you.

As you begin to understand belonging to God, you can insert your name into Song of Solomon 7:10:
______ is My beloved.
My desire is for ______.

God is waiting for you to come.  His desire is for you because you are His beloved one.