Talk to God

Monday, September 12, 2011

What is Prayer?

Talking.  Talking to God.  Plain and simple, it's just about talking to God.  Sound's simple, doesn't it?  In a way it is, and in a way it isn't.  C.S. Lewis says:

“Prayer is not a machine. It is not magic. It is not advice offered to God. Our act, when we pray, must not, any more than all our other acts, be separated from the continuous act of God Himself, in which alone all finite causes operate. “ From The World’s Last Night and Other Essays:  The Efficacy of Prayer    

Talking to God is about getting to know God and being authentic with God.  It's about being in relationship with God.  The mystery of prayer is that the deeper I go, the more I realize I have so much more to learn about God. 

You are invited on this journey to come learn about talking to God.  Together we will explore how to go deeper and learn more.  Together we'll discover...God.