Talk to God

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ancient Prayers: The Presence of God

I remember my daughter having a lot of trouble sleeping when she was about six months old.  It wasn't that she would have trouble going to sleep, but instead she would wake up crying and upset (almost sweating).  At first I thought it was a growth spurt.  (That was a little surprising since all of the women in my family are around 5' tall - I am the only one who didn't quite make 5' and I don't remember ever having a growth spurt!).  I would try to feed her but she didn't want to eat, and I would change her but that didn't make a difference either.  Then I wondered, is she having bad dreams?  Who knows?  It's possible, right?  So I started praying with her at night and I would talk with her about God's constant presence.  After that, she stopped waking up crying.  She would sleep through the night and wake up rested and happy.  That began a long tradition of praying with my kids, especially at bedtime and telling them God is ever present.  I also told them angels guarded them as well. 

Now, I pray for my grand kids at night.  Even though I'm not with them, I pray prayers of protection over them. 

I found this ancient prayer recently that really touched my heart...I hope it touches yours as you pray it:

Alone with none but thee, my God,
I journey on my way.
What need I fear, when thou art near O king of night and day?
More safe am I within thy hand
Than if a host did round me stand.
(Columba, c.521 - 97)

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