Talk to God

Monday, January 2, 2012

Great Ideas: The Rabbit

So, I get these ideas.  A lot. Some of my peeps as me if I am this way because I’m older (like maybe it’s a gramma thing), but I tell them, no.  Really, I mean no.  I’ve always been this way.  

 They seem like really good ideas.  At lease at the time. 

Case in point.  The rabbit. 

 One Spring, in honor of Easter, I decided we should have rabbits.  Like it was part of my kids’ educational need or something.  Since I am allergic to most animals (cats, rabbits, etc) I knew we would need an outdoor cage for the little bunny. 

Isn't he cute?

I went someplace and saw these lop eared rabbits and I really wanted one because I thought it was so cute.  I got one and it turns out I should have read up more on rabbits before I bought one. This tiny rabbit grew...a lot! 

One time I felt bad that the rabbit was in the pen all day, so I decided to take the rabbit to the basement.  I like to NEVER got it out of the cage and I got kicked really hard several times.  So, these rabbits are really strong and can really kick.

The rabbit was really strong, and was as big as a large housecat.

I finally got it in the basement and let it run around for a while.  When it was time to take the rabbit back to the cage I went back to the basement and tried to catch it.  And tried and tried.  First I tried to get the rabbit to come to me.  Right.  Then I tried to out run it.  (I know you’re laughing).  After about 3 hours I was formulating strategies how to trap it.  Did I mention this rabbit was really fast and strong and could hop?  Did I also mention this rabbit was as bit as a large cat?  

After 4 hours I started praying, hard.  

I finally got it back in a box by tricking it.  I kept it in the box till the kids came home.  They helped me get it back in the cage.  

I was starting to think the rabbit wasn’t such a good idea. 

Then it hit me I didn’t talk to God about the rabbit thing before I bought it.  

Wow, I shoulda done that.  

What’s really bad is that wasn’t the only incident with the rabbit.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! And definitely one of many such stories. :)
