Talk to God

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Checking Out

Sometimes I just check a good way.

What happens is that I'll be working along and for no apparent reason I stop and remember that God is right there, waiting for me to talk to Him.

I love that.

So I check out of life.

I turn to God and take in His love.

...checking out.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Huge Blessings

Talking to God is one of the biggest blessings of my life!

Now, God has been part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I've always talked to God.  My dad said it was okay to do that, and it was good to listen.  My dad also taught me to read scripture and to listen to God so he can show me what he wants me to see.  It's like there are secrets embedded in between the words.

THAT is a HUGE Blessing!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Laugh WITH Me

People who know me are well aware that I can do the craziest things!  What's really cool is that I don't plan them...they just happen.

Sometimes, I stop and ask God, "how DID I do that?"

I can almost hear God laughing WITH me.

That's why I don't mind doing crazy stuff.  I love hearing God laugh!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Little Help

From time to time we all need a little help.  While God is available all of the time and is always accessible, sometimes it helps a lot to be touched, hugged, and reminded "it's gonna be okay".

You know, it's true.

It's gonna be okay.


Let God take over for a change.