Talk to God

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Prayer for Infection

Please pray for a woman who has an infection.

Pray for a woman undergoing Chemo treatments.

Pray for the firemen and all the people involved in the fire in Colorado.

Pray for protection for everyone who works in this awful heat!

Pray for SNOW.  : )

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pray for...

Today is a day to pray for others who are scared, hurting, unsure about where to turn.

Colorado Springs.


Your country, town, neighborhood?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Honestly, this has been a bit of a tough week because I have several friends who have experienced things in their lives that will change them forever. 

When life gets like this, I've learned nothing I can say or pray seems to have significant meaning.

I can only sit with God in silence.  Waiting.  Receiving.  Craving.

Psalm 37:7 - Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him.  

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I talked to God today about my friend that Jesus is holding now.

I'm glad Jesus is holding her, but at the same time I am sad because I know we will miss her.

She was an incredible woman.

I loved her prayers.

I know they changed me.  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

God HAS Your Back

Dating is certainly say the least. The thing is I'm starting to realize God is teaching me things about myself.

He's talking to me about standing my ground.  

Knowing who I am.

Sticking to my guns.  

Being who I am.  

I love it when God has my back.

: )

Have you talked to God lately about having your back?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Have you thought about what life would be like without hope?  What would it be like to wake up every morning, get dressed, and plan your day if you had absolutely nothing to look forward to?

That's what life without Christ would be like...

Talk to God today about hope.  If you have hope, be grateful for it.  If you know someone who doesn't have hope, ask God to change their lives with His hope.

Your prayers can change someone's world.

Monday, June 18, 2012


I would imagine that when most people hear the word "generosity" they begin to think of what they are supposed to do for others.

What if it means what you need to receive from God?

Talk to God about generosity and ask what he has for you...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Joy and Happy

Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, a gift that we can ask for, and it is always there.  Sometimes we don't realize it's there is but because it's part of the Spirit, it is always available.

Happy on the other hand can come and go because it's an emotion.  Happy was created by God and is an emotion we experience when we see or experience something we like.

God is joy.  God feels happy.  Talk to God about how to experience His joy as a gift, and what makes you feel happy.

Let yourself experience both IN God.  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I had a really cool surprise today - the kind of surprise that makes you realize you're on the right track.

Afterward, I told God thanks, and the confirmation really meant a lot to me.

God smiled.

He loves surprises.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Everyday Occurances

Sometimes the mundane, everyday things that happen can be the best gifts we can get, or give.  For me, those gifts usually come in the form of some kind of humor.  (I'm convinced that God knows I really do need regular reminders not to take myself seriously).

What special gift did God send you today?

If you can't remember, ask Him to give you a gift tomorrow; take time to notice.

Thank God for the gift.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Spirit of Waiting

When you "wait" on God do you do it with a joyous heart, believing He is a God who gives generously?

Or do you pout, doubt, and wonder why God is taking so long? 

Take time to consider today how very generous our God is!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Psalm 131 is such a source of encouragement.

The psalmist admits he is not too proud to admit there are things that are too great for him to resolve and fix.  He admits he knows what he needs to do is to be calm and quiet his mind like a child who no longer cries for his mother's milk.  The psalmist puts his hope in God.

So it is for us.  When we are overwhelmed, instead of planning strategies, we need to relax and let God take control.

In other words, do nothing. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Romans 12:2 tells us not to conform to this world, so does that mean we are supposed to separate ourselves from the world, or to live like Christ in the world?

So, how do we do that?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Have you ever spent time praying while you looked at the clouds?

I used to do it all the time, but now I only get to do it once in a while.

While we know God is in us, right here with us, we still tend to think He's outside.

If you get a chance this week step outside and spend some time praying.

It'll bless you Big Time!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Gentle Wisdom

I spent last week (and most of the week before that) studying and contemplating the third chapter of James.

A good bit of my time was spent on one phrase:  gentleness of wisdom

James 3:13 says, "Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom."

What do you think the author is saying to the readers?