Talk to God

Thursday, May 24, 2012

God's Word ON Your Heart

I remember the 23rd Psalm as a child because every time I went to a funeral the preacher would read it.

I thought it was only good for funerals.

Today I have a completely different view of the 23rd Psalm because I committed it to memory.  When I did that, it placed God's Word in my heart and it changed me.

Committing God's Word to your heart will change you.

Psalm 23:1 says, "The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need."
Repeat that phrase over and over again until the words are written on your heart.

Then write down what it means to you. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Your Best Interests

Prayer is the easiest practice I’ve done, and also the most difficult practice I’ve done.  So, how can something so easy be difficult?

As I’ve prayed over the course of 5 decades (nearly 6) I’ve come to realize that Jesus literally meant what he said about the children.  “Of such is the kingdom of God.”

The key is to talk to God like a young child would talk to a loving parent that they truly trust.

One that has your best interests at heart.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Already Here

Did you know Jesus is already here - right with you - all around?

What God wants more than anything is for you to receive what he has FOR you.

You do not need to DO anything.

Psalm 23:1 NLT says, "The Lord is my shepherd...I have everything I need."

Everything you need is IN the good shepherd.

Open your hands and you heart and receive...

Monday, May 21, 2012


Sometimes, talking to God is just a matter of stepping into the light.

When you don't know what to ask or you don't have words that can express what you are feeling...just step into God's light. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dance Like No-One is Watching

I did something tonight that I haven't done in more than 40 years...I went dancing.

Swing dancing.

It was fun, and I wasn't half bad!

There are times when God wants us to "dance like no-one is watching".

Thanks, God for creating life for us to enjoy!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Being honest, especially with yourself can be very difficult yet can reap great rewards. I discovered about a year ago I wasn't being honest with myself or with God.

Since God IS truth and IS also patience, the Spirit worked with me so I could face my inability to be honest about my imperfections. The result was that I could begin to forgive myself for not being perfect. It's ridiculous that I even entertained the thought that I am perfect, and deep down I knew I wasn't but I kept trying so hard to do the right things and punishing myself when I fell short.

Now I guess you could say I am a recovering perfectionist.

When I talk to God regularly He reminds me that He loves me just the way I am! And that's the truth.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fun Talking to God

Ever thought about having fun when you talk to God?

Most people think God is serious and that in order to talk to Him they need to get serious and "sound right". 

Oh contrare.

God has a great sense of humor. 

Try talking with Him like he does. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

From the Heart

Have you ever noticed that sometimes talking to God is like breathing and under your breath you are saying, "papa, papa, papa", and you know God hears you?

Those are great prayers, and sometimes the best because they come from the heart and God sees our heart inside and out. 

Any way you pray, as long as it's from the's all good!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I John 3:19 says that truth, "will assure our heart" before God.

Consider what it means to have truth that will present you to God...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dry Bones

Have you ever had a dry bones kind of day?

Today I thought of Ezekiel 38 - the valley of dry bones that God revived with his breath.

It reminded me when I am "dry" I need to seek the Spirit (breath) of God. 

It's already here...I just need to receive it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Simple Things

 Sometimes it's the simple things that count. 

For instance, I know two young children. The young girl (3 years old) only wears princess clothes.  She loves to dress up as a princess, so those are the clothes she picks out every day. My young gentleman friend likes variety, so sometimes he is a super hero and sometimes he is a detective.  It depends on how he feels that day. 

I love seeing pictures of children who find great joy in such simple pleasure.  Their costumes make them feel alive, happy, and sometimes even super.

What simple pleasure are you wishing you could do?

Monday, May 7, 2012

To Care

The greatest gift "the people of the way" (the 1st Century Palestine Christian Church) gave to society was to love time through simple acts of caring. 

John 13:35 says, "they will know you are my disciples by the way you love each other."

Spend some time asking God what that looks like in your life.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


We often think that God wants us to do things, or give to Him.

Really, it's the other way around. 

Jesus wants to give to YOU.

Spend time with God and let Him GIVE to you.

Receive God's gift of love.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Give yourself permission...

You know, when Jesus wept in John 11 it wasn't because he was missing Lazarus.  Jesus knew Lazarus would emerge from the tomb.

Jesus wept because his friends we very sad.  Jesus wept because that's what we do when we are sad.

Give yourself permission to weep.

When we weep, Jesus is right there with us.  Let Jesus hold you while you weep. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What Does Love Look Like?

I've been reminded lately, blessed, and touched with the love of a group of incredible women who really understand love.  What's remarkable is that I know I am stronger today than I was before I met these women.

Jesus told us in John 13:34 to "Love one another". 

Now love means different things to different people, so I am wondering what does love look like to you?